Monday, December 29, 2008


Our family always enters in the room in age order. Val Dean was so excited to be first!
Of all the toys Val Dean got for Christmas these two cars were defiantly the fav. Of course Val bought them last minute on Christmas Eve.
The poor man's Elmo. I can't belieive how expensive the talking Elmo's are!
Daddy and Viv. She is always held. She is a little high maintenance and Daddy can't stand to not give her want she wants.Grandpa and Viv just chillin.
Cousin Nollie and Val Dean got matching dumpster trucks.

Vivien Grace Dalling Blessing

Yesterday we blessed our little angel. All of Val's siblings but one were in town for Christmas, so we decided to bless her a little early. We blessed her at my parents house because she is still so young and I didn't want to take her to church yet.

Vivien Grace was named after my grandmother Grace Murdoch. She made this bonnet for my baby blessing, she also made the blanket behind her, which is pretty amazing considering she is nearly blind.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Here are some more recent snapshots of our little Vivien Grace.

And they say newbors don't smile! I know it's not the greatest pic but to catch a newborn smile you need a super-duper fast shutterspeed.

She is so skinny has has her moms never-ending torso.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Announcing Vivien Grace Dalling

Vivien Grace was born on December 5th at 6:04. She was a skinny 6lbs 15oz and 18in long. We got to the hospital around 1:00pm dilated to a 3.5, at 4:00 pm I hadn't changed a bit, then at 5:30pm I threw up and apparently that threw me to a 7.5 immediately, 30 minutes later I was about to 10. After three small pushes our sweet little girl was here. It was a fabulous labor! Couldn't have asked for anything better. She is healthy and absolutely adorable. She looked like a c-section baby, her head and face were perfect.

Val Dean is doing considerably well with the new addition. He has yet to call her by name. He always refers to her as"my baby sister". He is really sweet to her but like most adoring sibling, in her face a lot.

We are so excited that she is here and can't wait for everyone to see how cute she is.